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Cytokine is a protein with low molecular weight secreted by the cells. Although it is produced mainly by immune cells (T lymphocyte, B lymphocyte, leukocyte and macrophage), other wide variety of cells such as fibroblast, endothelial cells and stromal cell, etc. also produce various cytokines.
Most cytokines have low molecular weights at less than 5~20kDa and activate on cells in the form of monomer or dimer in most cases. Cytokine has highly diversified functions promotion, inhibition, proliferation and differentiation of cells, and is also involved in inflammation and homeostasis. The actions of cytokine are executed through the delivery of signals within the cell when combined with receptors that are specific for each of the cytokines. In particular, cytokines are key subjects of the development of therapeutics since its role is very important in human body and several products are already in the market as therapeutics. The effectiveness of cytokines differs depending on the extent of activation because they have unique biological activities.
Cytokines of JW CreaGene are highly pure and activate products
manufactured in Korea, and are sold after having undergone exhaustive verification at the research center. We are putting in efforts to offer a diverse range of products at much lower prices than the expensive overseas brands but with the same quality in order for researchers to use them more easily.


General Cytokines

Product name
Human GM-CSF
Data sheet
Human IL-4
Data sheet
Mouse GM-CSF
Data sheet
Mouse IL-4
Data sheet
Human FGF1
Data sheet
Human FGF2
Data sheet
Human FGF7
Data sheet
Human FGF8b
Data sheet
Human FGF10
Data sheet
Data sheet
Human Flt3L
Data sheet
Human G-CSF
Data sheet
Human M-CSF
Data sheet
Mouse M-CSF
Data sheet
Human SCF
Data sheet
Human TNF-α
Data sheet
Mouse TNF-α
Data sheet
Human VEGF165
Data sheet
Human IL-1β
Data sheet
Mouse IL-1β
Data sheet
Human IL-2
Data sheet
Mouse IL-2
Data sheet
Mouse IL-3
Data sheet
Human IL-6
Data sheet
Mouse IL-6
Data sheet
Human IL-7
Data sheet
Mouse IL-7
Data sheet
Human IL-17A
Data sheet
Human IL-21
Data sheet
Human IFN-γ
Data sheet
Human GH
Data sheet
Data sheet
Human CTGF
Data sheet
Human EGF
Data sheet
Human IGF1
Data sheet
Human TRX1
Data sheet
Human IL-15
Data sheet
Mouse IL-15
Data sheet
  • 10% discount is currently applied to all the products.
  • Same price for each of the doses of all the products
  • Delivery unit: 10㎍, 25㎍
  • Delivery unit: When 10㎍ and 25㎍are ordered, 1 unit is delivered, and when more than 25㎍is ordered, delivery is made in the units of 10㎍or 25㎍
    Example) 100㎍ = 25㎍ X 4 units or 10㎍ X 10 units

Recombinant antigens

Product name Human DC cytokine package Mouse DC cytokine package
Product Composition Human GM-CSF Human IL-4 Mouse GM-CSF Mouse IL-4
100㎍ 100㎍ 100㎍ 100㎍